Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Zorro, por favor

I have just come in from a night frolic in the pool (yes, it is still blissfully hot, one of my friends said "It is so hot I am sweating like a priest at a little league game", too funny, sort of) and have flipped on the tele to see what is exciting to watch before I go to bed. I mean excitement BEFORE bed is always a good sleep inducer. I am in luck, Zorro is on. Antonio Banderas, Anthony Hopkins and Catherine Zeta Jones. I wonder if Zeta is her middle name or is part of her last name? Anyway, back to Antonio Banderas. Wow, what a heart throb in a normal sort of way. I mean he is just a normal kind of guy. He isn't all brawn and thick neck like Hulk Hogan (I would hate to see his waxing bill) he is just a normal sized guy with a little magical something. I love this type of movie where it is the good guy looking out for the poor people and fighting against the evil, oppressive nitwit. There is just something about a man in thigh high boots, smoking a cheroot and sipping red wine from a silver goblet, just so... romantic (sigh). I wish I could get Ruffel to wear thigh high boots and take up fencing, (huge laughter going on here!). I would even go so far as to get one of those virginal white dresses that the damsel in distress always seems to end up wearing (and then losing) during these films. It is so stereotypical to dress them up that way... I mean come on. Why not just dress them in red lace and black leather and then we will know exactly their part in the film, oh yeah, that would take all the excitement out of the chase, for after all that is really what it is all about isn't it? Once the hunt and the chase is done then the excitement is gone... right?

Till next time, looking for my deer stalker hat...

Cat x


At July 8, 2010 at 8:01 PM , Blogger darci-que said...

oh good golly- i just got an image of ruffel in thigh high boots!


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