Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's always sumpin'

Human nature is just that way. What way? The complaining way. In the winter everyone complains about how much snow there is and that they are always cold and how come it costs so much to heat the house? In the spring, it is "oh, my god, I wish it would stop raining long enough so I could cut the grass". In the dog days of summer (my favorite) all you hear is "it's too frigging hot" . I mean what would we talk about if we didn't have the weather to complain about? Would we have to resort to talking about the price of corn in China? Or how about the size of peoples feet? Maybe we should be talking about the process of making nylon wind pants... in purple no less. I don't think that you can make anyone happy. There is always sumpin' to complain about when it comes to the weather. Myself, I don't like the frigid temps of winter. don't like mountains of snow, a little bit every once in a while is ok. I hate the wind. Living on top of Mt. BuckFuck Nowhere has left me little chance of ever escaping the wind. We had outside lights on the house, but they were all blown off the first winter in the new digs. No point in replacing them, they'll only blow away again. See... complaining about sumpin'. People ask me if I have AC in the house but we don't need it, never gets hot enough here to worry about it. Living on top of Mt. Blowme the heat just isn't a problem. When the hot days do arrive and I am looking at all the people on the street sweating, I think of that movie "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" . It was shot in New Orleans in the height of the "humid" season. Jimmy Dean and Liz Taylor talked about how "damn" hot it was when they were filming that movie. I think that I would like to live in that sort of climate for about oh, four minutes. See, it comes down to "it's not just the heat, it's the humidity". In the Med area (remember Malta?) there is no humidity, just that glorious white heat. Being near the water dispels all the humidity. Have you ever seen a Maltese person with frizzy hair? I think not. But look at the kinfolk of New Orleans and you be lookin' at a whole lot o' frizz...
Till next time, ironing my hair with a lacquer coated implement,
Cat x


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