Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last of the summer wine

It has been a busy summer. There have been dances where you could win a car, dances that are actually fundraisers for the nearly wed couple and dances that celebrate the fact that you survived high school and lived to tell tall tales about it. It is the fundraisers for the soon to be betrothed that fascinate me. The premise is that you rent a hall, (the bigger the better)then sell tickets to anyone that will buy one .You hire someone to play music at ear splitting decibels and get in as much beer and booze as what is legally allowed, you are now set to party hard! Thing is, a lot of family come out to party with the crowds only - the music is so loud and everyone is so relaxed from the booze that conversations are almost impossible. I spend most of the night politely nodding my head in the “yes” response. What I am saying yes to... I have no idea, for all I know the person might have been asking me if my Aunt Lucy died or was she still in recovery mode? I don’t have an Aunt Lucy. It doesn’t matter, the main objective is to amass funds for the best wedding that the happy couple could possibly have. So let’s raise a glass in congratulatory salutation to the blessed couple who embarks on a lifelong voyage of marital bliss. To all of you who are getting married... congratulations and may you share many happy years together. Here are a few sayings to send you on your way.

Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same -Oscar Wilde
All marriages are happy. It's the living together afterward that causes all the trouble ~Raymond Hull
The most dangerous food is wedding cake ~American Proverb
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards -- Benjamin Franklin
Marriage is like a pair of shears Oft times working in opposite directions, but punishing anyone that comes between them ~ Sydney Smith
Only choose in marriage a man whom you would choose as a friend if he were a woman ~Joseph Joubert
Never strike your wife - even with a flower ~Hindu Proverb
He's the kind of man a woman would have to marry to get rid of ~Mae West
Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit ~Billy Connolly
Our wedding was many years ago. The celebration continues to this day ~Gene Perret
Don't smother each other. No one can grow in shade ~Leo Buscaglia
A wedding is a funeral where a man smells his own flowers ~Author Unknown
Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry ~ Tom Mullen
To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you're wrong, admit it; whenever you're right, shut up.
A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he's finished. ~Zsa Zsa Gabor
I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. ~Rita Rudner
Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. ~Emily Brontë
When love is not madness, it is not love. ~Pedro Calderon de la Barca
Off like a bride’s nightie! (When you are in a hurry) – Author Unknown
And my most fav-
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place. ~Zora Neale Hurston

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So Sorry

I have been very busy in this hot summer season. I spent the last weekend roughing it with my best friend C. She kindly invited me to her cottage for an over two nighter. Toting in the cooler with the wine and the wodka... it was really rough. Sleeping in till 8:45, beyond the grind of roughness. Sitting in the hot sun with no-one to run and refill my glass... can you believe it? I survived! It was a lot of fun with C, she has such a great sense of humor and we had lots to laugh about and made some great memories, except I can't remember them right now. Having a weekend away makes you realize just how easy life can be when it is just you. I mean, no husband (or significant other) no kids... nothing, just you. I felt great, so relaxed, no pressure, no, aw crap, what will I make for dinner tonight (first night C and I just had appy's) it was liberating to say the least. Then you get back to reality and you have to clutch your ass, 'cause reality really does bite. All this leads me to my ah ha moment for today... if life really is what we make it, then why are there so many unhappy people?
Just my thought for the day... I will be back soon, I promise..
Till then, renewing my license
Cat x

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Part Time Job

I work in an office from 9 till 1, then some days I take on the extra responsibility of minding my grandson... which I love to do. It is these times that sustain you through the dredges of ordinary life, my little ray of sunshine in an otherwise (seemingly) bleak existence. Hayden is the best behaved, most charming, most intelligent child I have ever met. Poo, poo you might say, I mean he is after all my grandson, but really, I can honestly say that he is even more of an angel than his father (my son) ever was. Maybe it is just because I am the "gammy" that looking after the short guy is so easy and fun. Who knows, all I can say is thank you to my son Jesse and his lovely partner Laura for letting me spend such endearing times with the little guy. Just look at those eyelashes... what a doll!

Till next time... living in grandmotherly bliss,

Cat x

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Zorro, por favor

I have just come in from a night frolic in the pool (yes, it is still blissfully hot, one of my friends said "It is so hot I am sweating like a priest at a little league game", too funny, sort of) and have flipped on the tele to see what is exciting to watch before I go to bed. I mean excitement BEFORE bed is always a good sleep inducer. I am in luck, Zorro is on. Antonio Banderas, Anthony Hopkins and Catherine Zeta Jones. I wonder if Zeta is her middle name or is part of her last name? Anyway, back to Antonio Banderas. Wow, what a heart throb in a normal sort of way. I mean he is just a normal kind of guy. He isn't all brawn and thick neck like Hulk Hogan (I would hate to see his waxing bill) he is just a normal sized guy with a little magical something. I love this type of movie where it is the good guy looking out for the poor people and fighting against the evil, oppressive nitwit. There is just something about a man in thigh high boots, smoking a cheroot and sipping red wine from a silver goblet, just so... romantic (sigh). I wish I could get Ruffel to wear thigh high boots and take up fencing, (huge laughter going on here!). I would even go so far as to get one of those virginal white dresses that the damsel in distress always seems to end up wearing (and then losing) during these films. It is so stereotypical to dress them up that way... I mean come on. Why not just dress them in red lace and black leather and then we will know exactly their part in the film, oh yeah, that would take all the excitement out of the chase, for after all that is really what it is all about isn't it? Once the hunt and the chase is done then the excitement is gone... right?

Till next time, looking for my deer stalker hat...

Cat x

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's always sumpin'

Human nature is just that way. What way? The complaining way. In the winter everyone complains about how much snow there is and that they are always cold and how come it costs so much to heat the house? In the spring, it is "oh, my god, I wish it would stop raining long enough so I could cut the grass". In the dog days of summer (my favorite) all you hear is "it's too frigging hot" . I mean what would we talk about if we didn't have the weather to complain about? Would we have to resort to talking about the price of corn in China? Or how about the size of peoples feet? Maybe we should be talking about the process of making nylon wind pants... in purple no less. I don't think that you can make anyone happy. There is always sumpin' to complain about when it comes to the weather. Myself, I don't like the frigid temps of winter. don't like mountains of snow, a little bit every once in a while is ok. I hate the wind. Living on top of Mt. BuckFuck Nowhere has left me little chance of ever escaping the wind. We had outside lights on the house, but they were all blown off the first winter in the new digs. No point in replacing them, they'll only blow away again. See... complaining about sumpin'. People ask me if I have AC in the house but we don't need it, never gets hot enough here to worry about it. Living on top of Mt. Blowme the heat just isn't a problem. When the hot days do arrive and I am looking at all the people on the street sweating, I think of that movie "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" . It was shot in New Orleans in the height of the "humid" season. Jimmy Dean and Liz Taylor talked about how "damn" hot it was when they were filming that movie. I think that I would like to live in that sort of climate for about oh, four minutes. See, it comes down to "it's not just the heat, it's the humidity". In the Med area (remember Malta?) there is no humidity, just that glorious white heat. Being near the water dispels all the humidity. Have you ever seen a Maltese person with frizzy hair? I think not. But look at the kinfolk of New Orleans and you be lookin' at a whole lot o' frizz...
Till next time, ironing my hair with a lacquer coated implement,
Cat x

Monday, July 5, 2010

Oh, what a feeling

Short and sweet tonight. Not only am I still feeling the wonderful results of yet another hot day, but I also accomplished a first. Yep, I made it to home plate. Hit the ball, got to second and then made the mad dash from second to third to home. Hmmm, funny how the heat and playing ball both seem to count on getting to a "base" of some sort.
Till next time... working on hitting it out of the park.
Cat x

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Salubrious to say the least

It was a delightful day in the neighbourhood, a beautiful day to sit by the pool. It was an amazing 30 degrees and I love it! There is something about heat and the sun which makes me, er, rather, dare I say it... salacious. Sun... sultry... sensual and salubrious these are all words that would describe the feelings that sun and heat instill in me. I don't think that I am alone in this revelation, in fact just look at the hot places on the planet. There are twice no, three, maybe four times as many inhabitants in the hot climates than there are in the cold. I mean, heat just goes with being happy and playful and instilling the lust in our bodies and for that matter our souls. To prove this bit of information I will use Malta as an example. There are more people per square inch on Malta than there is in the Antarctic. Recently I was surfing the web looking at housing prices in Malta, there are very few houses with acreage for sale, but loads of apartments. Why there are so many people living on the small island of Malta they are practically hanging on to the rocky shoreline just to stay on dry land. So as I was basking in the delicious sun today I thought of all those Maltese hanging onto the hot black rocks feeling the same sensations of sensual sultriness that I was enjoying. These feelings that are brought on by the heat and sun have resulted in high populations in all the hot places, yes, you could say that the heat and sun are a form of aphrodisiac given to us by mother nature. Some might argue that the colder climates are more conducive to the act of procreation as being cold will make a couple huddle for warmth. I think not. When you are cold and you huddle then sure something might happen, but when you are hot and lurid with the effects of the sun and for that matter usually scantily clad then you are more likely to you know... do the vertical limbo. Those flannelet pyjamas are really more of a turn off than a turn on. There is also the added bonus of what you look like in the hot places. As I once read somewhere, "chicken looks better barbecued than poached". Just think of the white bodies next to the tanned one and you will see what I mean.
Till next time stocking up on Hawaiian Tropic...
Cat x