Saturday, July 3, 2010

Old Friend?

I haven't really had much to drink in the last few years. The reason is simple really. There is just to much to do in a day without the added grievance of a pounding head, dry throat and the constant threat of a major pukefest. However, most recently I have found my old friend sitting in the back of the kitchen cupboard, forgotten and neglected. Yes, it is old Ms. Wodka, or more commonly known as Vodka. I used to like drinking vodka and diet coke, hey! don't knock it till you try it. It is quite something to drink vodka and coke and not realize how much you have drunk till you get up to do something... like walk to the bathroom. This simple act turns into a conquest requiring intense concentration to complete this physical feat. There is a plus side to the art of drinking, this bonus comes in the form of dreams. I tend to remember all of my dreams rather vividly, even though they make no sense at all. Last night I dreamt of a particularly tall (and I mean tall!) man with dark shoulder length hair, who insisted on wearing purple wind pants that he could not do up. The image of this man standing there chatting away nonchalantly with his pants undone and in complete oblivion to the fact was a little disconcerning and distracting, I could not focus on what he was trying to say to me, I just kept looking at his pants that were undone. Oh, don't worry (or be disappointed) there was nothing showing, he just looked ridiculous. The next part of my dream consisted of me playing a video game (at work) and no matter how many times I hit the minimize button the 8 foot screen just would not get any smaller. Then for some reason someone kept yelling "Apple! Apple! Fiona Apple" I have no idea what that was all about, but it was annoying to say the least. I was then walking through a night club that was just like walking through the long halls of an airport (probably looking for Ms. Wodka) only every so often zombies dressed in hospital scrubs would try to conscript me into doing cleaning chores. I know these dreams make no sense but at least it makes for an interesting sleep. Alcohol is a depressant, so while right after drinking you will "pass" out, it does not last long, your subconcious then wakes up, causing the brain to react in this unusual way. I understand why some of the greatest writers ( and other interesting people) were heavy drinkers, alcohol really does have a way of opening the mind to the endless possibilities of our own imagination. I must say though that I do prefer to take my sleeping pill and spend the night in relative blissful, uneventful sleep. I think I will save the vodka with water(no more coke for me since the surgery, can't handle the fizzy gas) for days that I spend sitting out by the pool, at least I can have a nap in the afternoon which will still give me time to dream, but at night I will get the rest I need.
Investing in Absolut.... and my imagination,
Till next time,
Cat x


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