Thursday, July 1, 2010

Well, Hello there.

It has been a little while since I last wrote on my blog. To those of you who e-mailed and called asking where it was, I thank you profusely for the interest that you have shown in my rantings. I have had/still have some personal issues which have taken priority and taken all my mental scope to deal with. If my writing seems a little off the wall it is because I am still in a place I don't really comprehend. I have however learned a few things over the past week. I have learned that people will lie just to make themselves feel/look important. I have learned that I have a strength inside me that I never realized the depth of. I have learned that sometimes the person that you thought was the most unfeeling, stoic soul, really can have feelings and will cry like a baby. I have learned that there are many false advertisements on the billboard of life. I have learned that I am quite happy with my own company. I have learned that sometimes you just need a hug and things will seem better. I have learned that standing up for yourself is something that you should never back away from. I have learned that humans are very needy, and for a reason. I have learned that I am not indispensable and should never let myself think that I am. I have come to understand the statement " I just can't be alone" and how it affects certain personalities. I have learned that it is not possible to love every human being in your own private world, and that sometimes no matter how hard you try or think that things are supposed to be a certain way... it just can't be. That realization, that moment of enlightenment was a weight off my shoulders and my psyche. It has been an exhausting week to say the least. I now feel like I need to study hard for the final exam... in this never ending course called life.
Till next time... looking for cheat sheets,
Cat x


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