Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Have you heard the dog howling?

Since my littlest killer, Lizzie, has been relocated to her new home (where she gets paid for killing rodents) I have been able to let my big dog Sisi come and go as she pleases. Sisi always sleeps in the garage (don't worry she has a lovely twin bed in the shape of a heart and the floor is heated in the winter) as she is not trustworthy in the house plus she snores like a lumberjack. You might ask how I know what a lumberjack sounds like snoring... my answer is that my Auntie Ketty from Sweden told me that she snores like a lumberjack and I have heard her snore on several occasions giving me ample experience on what a lumberjack sounds like when they are snoring. Anyway, Sisi likes to sleep out on the front deck in Ruffels favorite foldaway chair. She will climb up in the chair, curl up and snore away... that is till she hears her friend Wille coyote start to yelp and howl. Then she will jump out of the chair and sit at the front step and start a slow deep moan from the pit of her bowels and continue this long drawn out howl till she ends in a rock star like bark. You know what I mean, Mick Jagger has a great line " 're ya havin' a good time?" and he says it all sexy and druggie like...same with Sisi's bark. I am sure that when Wille hears the bark at the end, the whole pack just stops dead in their tracks and thinks "Wow that sounded just like Mick Jagger barking". Sisi will do this a few times till Ruffel says to me (as it usually in the middle of the night or at least around 4 a.m.) "are you going to get up and tell that dog to shut up' to which I reply in lumberjack lingo " snort, snore, grunt... not fucking likely... can't you hear me sleeping" almost the same as the line from the Stones " Can't you hear me knocking?" Rock on Sisi, rock on.
Till next time... counting sheep for Wille
Cat x


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