Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Black Zone

What do you do when you are depressed or feeling a little down? Do you run for the chocolate or the booze? Maybe you have some recreational drugs hidden "just in case". Everyone needs a little something sometime to help them along. Me, I have a favorite movie that I like to watch when I feel like I need some comfort. I don't know why I like this particular movie, but when I watch it I feel good. The movie, in case you are wondering, is Pirates of the Caribbean. I mean the obvious thing about the movie is Johnny Depp. Well, not so much Johnny Depp for being Johnny Depp but more the character that he plays, Jack Sparrow. I mean, Jack can find his way out of any predicament. He trusts no-one and everyone at the same time. Trust is a big issue in my life, I tend to trust everyone and it always comes back to bite me in the ass. I guess I will just never learn. Anyway, Jack is some kinda dude. Whatever comes his way he brilliantly figures out a way to turn the situation around to his advantage. Then there is also the fact that the scenery is lovely, and hot. Heat is something that I need in my life. I hate being cold and never complain about the heat (humidity is a different story, although I do like some) and 32 C is quite heavenly thank you. That and all the water scenes, I mean, the call of the ocean is a sound I cannot ignore. Having been born in very close proximity to the sea (Malta is an island, and a little one at that) I think that the sea salt has been forever cast in my blood, either that or I was a pirate in a past life. Actually, I think it was more of having been a slave. I have a terrible fear of sharks and can bring myself to sensing exactly what it must feel like to be attacked and killed by a shark. This feeling is especially prevalent when I am in the shower covered with soap and cannot open my eyes without the soap burning my eyeballs out. I remember there was a James Bond movie where a bad guy used to get rid of some of his human "annoyances" by telling them to take the elevator up to the next floor of his empire. They would board the elevator and once the doors had closed, the floor of the elevator would open up and they would fall into a tank of hungry sharks while the villain watched on with glee. This has stuck in my mind for over 30 years - talk about a lasting impression. Another thing that I turn to when I am feeling crappy is the Rolling Stones. I mean if Mick can sing (in Satisfaction) " can't you see I'm on a losing streak" then I think that I should be able to deal with whatever shit comes my way. So to the Rolling Stones and Jack Sparrow I say thanks for making me feel better and helping me get through another crisis.
Till next time saying argghh matey, and singing .... but not in the shower
Cat x


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