Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Do you remember Chernobyl

Have you ever watched the show Destination Truth? The host is a guy named
Josh whatthefuckwasthat Gates. He and his team of researchers travel around the world dispelling myths and looking for evidence to support said myths. It is the funniest show, not because of what they are doing but because of the way they do it. This guy Josh talks like a run on sentence, I mean, he never stops for a breath or uses any sort of pause for audience absorption. He is quite irritating to listen too. The way that he reacts to things is priceless. There is so much drama over what appears to be nothing. I'm not there so I don't know how scary some of these things really are. I just know that I would never wander around in the swamps (which are full of alligators... or is it crocodiles, I always get those two mixed up) in the middle of the night. There are too many dangers with snakes and spiders and all sorts of other real dangers, never mind the make believe ones he is looking for. However, he does go to some pretty neat places. Lately he has been to Egypt which looks totally cool. I would love to go there, but frankly I am a little nervous about going to the Middle East. Whenever I see pictures of the Valley of the Kings I think about Agatha Christie and her book Death on the Nile. I just loved Peter Ustinov as Hercule Poirot. So anyway, this Josh is there to spend the night in the tomb of King Tut, I won't tell you what happens, you will just have to watch that episode for yourself, but I will tell you that it is hilarious. Tonight's episode takes place in the Ukraine, at the epicentre of the Chernobyl disaster. I remember when Chernobyl happened, it was very scary and very horrific. The pictures of the devastation were scarce and as to the full story of what happened (being a Russian disaster and all what would we expect) we may never know. Josh and his crew travelled through all the road blocks and made it to the very tower that was the melt down point. It was so eerie, everything had been left exactly as it had been when the accident occurred. They went into a hospital and the book with the names of the patients was still sitting in the operating theatre. Instruments and all the operating gear was sitting right where it had been left. They also went into a school and same thing, lunch boxes were left sitting on the desks, there were children's toys laying on the floor just as if they had been dropped in hasty abandon,which they probably were. As they went through these buildings (dressed in radiation protection suits) there was the odd occurrence of thermal imaging (heat signatures left by wandering souls, not of this earth zone) and noises that could not be explained. It was so creepy seeing them all dressed in their suits and looking at the ghost town of this big city. They walked through a fair site with the Ferris wheel standing there, the games booths all just they had been 25 years earlier, it totally creeped me out to say the least. After that portion of the show they went back to Egypt to search for a huge dog/wolf type creature that had been attacking locals and half eating them (or so the claim was). Again they were out in the middle of the night searching for this creature of human desecration, again they were all scared shitless of the noises and bumps in the night. They captured sounds of growling (really scary) and a set of eyes staring at them. This time they were lucky to actually film the monster. Turns out it was the elusive Egyptian fox. About the same size as the North American fox, but obviously a little more aggressive than our version. Great show, can't wait to see what ghouly delights they search for tomorrow. Till next time, glowing green for you...
Cat x


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