Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dead Raccoon

The kid had to do a science sort of project. It is all about habitat (like where the animals live, not the soup, oh, but that is habitant, never mind). He had been partnered up with a girl from his class, which is something new, usually he is partnered with the teacher to make sure that he gets the work done. Anyway, they were to get together at some point and take pictures of the habitat of their chosen animal. They had decided that they would do the frog (as I think 98% of the class did as well) and would come to our house and take pictures at the pond across the road. The weekend weather was typical, raining and looking at the world through oatmeal covered glasses (thick bloody fog yet again). Off they went with their nets to capture some frogs so they could get a pic worthy of National Geographic acclamations (the girl had her own camera). Sisi the black killer of a dog thought that she should go with them, and I thought that was a good idea, what with all the reports of bears and cougars in this area. Not only that, she would cross the road first and if there were any cars coming, they would hit her and not the kids, what with the oatmeal hanging in the air and all. It wasn't too long after that they came back, winded, from running with apprehension (not fear). Turns out black killer found a raccoon nest and dragged one of the babies (screaming at the top of it's little lungs no less, according to the eye witness's) and shook the thing to silence mode and proceeded to bring it home for me to pick up the scattered pieces at a later date (usually when the smell level reaches a critical high). The thing is, the kids weren't upset that the dog had killed a raccoon (they are both farm kids, and know what damage and mess raccoons are capable of) no, they were at a dead run to get home because of the fear that the mother would come out and seek revenge on their scrawny little chicken legs. Smart kids, get home before the teeth get you. Good news is they got their pictures before the killing took place and were quite pleased with the results. All in a days work at my place....
Till next time, making hats for Davey Crockett...
Cat xx


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