Sunday, May 16, 2010

Peaceful Sunday

Ah Sunday, so peaceful and serene. The birds are singing and in the distance I can hear the sound of the church bells... that is till I fire up my Stihl chainsaw. Ruffel cracked the whip over my head today and asked (strongly) if I would go across the road and trim branches off the trees that he had felled. Well, what is a girl to do but say "OK" after all I do have my own chainsaw, and well, since the incident with his (set it on fire, although it was his fault for leaving it so close to the wood stove)I felt that I really should go out and help. After a couple of hours of slugging the Stihl and 40 foot trees I was reved to say the least. There is something in that theory of "the more you do the more you want to do" so I carried on and cut the grass, then I weed whacked,then I did weeding,then I did edging. Phew, I am beat. But I feel great, all of this outside work, plus I did 4 loads of laundry and changed the bed (all that nipple cream ya know). So I have plans for tomorrow evening, more edges to trim and weeds to whack. Nothing like a good whacking to do you in...
Till next time, green with energy..
Cat x


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