Thursday, May 6, 2010

Word Game

I think that in one of my past lives I must have had something to do with words. Maybe I was studying Latin while serving my jail sentence (probably for stealing fish to feed the wild cats). I just love words. I love to discover new words and their meanings. So today I was checking my horrorscope on Georgia Nichols (like I do every day) when I saw in the corner a game to play. This game is to guess the meanings of words (kind of like what you see in Readers Digest) except with every word you get right you provide 10 grains of rice to some starving person in the world. Well, appealing to my love of words and my ego (surely I know what a kiddle is... right?) and my sense of wanting to help someone on the planet (not stealing fish to feed the wild cats this time) why not give it a go. So with any game the first couple are teasers. Dead easy to figure the meanings, then the game gets a little tougher. Oh yeah, like I am only going to win 4o grains of rice for a whole village in Africa! For instance do you know what emmer is? It is another word for wheat... who knew? Inimicaled? means hostile. Did you know that the calf muscle is called a soleus or how about a quenelle... just another word for poached dumpling. See, I think that expanding your vocabulary is very important. With a grand, vast vocabulary you can actually tell someone to go to hell so eloquently that they would actually look forward to the trip! So a kiddle, I will tell you what that is before you go looking it up in the dictionary, - it is a fish trap. I know! I'd never heard of it before either. So there you are, you learned some nice new words to tickle your fancy... me I'm off to Kolo... don't know what that is? I'll let you look it up in the Webster's volume of know it all.
Till next time,
alphabetically yours,
Cat x


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