Friday, May 14, 2010

Lost in the jumble of files

A sure sign that I am losing my mind. I am constantly wandering around looking for the things that I have "put" away. I put them in such a safe place, I can never find them again. It is going to be such great fun for my sons when I die... they will find all kinds of neat stuff that I have hidden away never to be found again by me... in my lifetime. For instance, I had put away a pile of receipts for the kids meds. I need them for income tax purposes and for a claim. I made copies of them all and sent them to the accountant and put the originals in a "safe" place. Well, I needed to find the originals... I looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere, to no avail. So in desperation I phoned the accountant and asked her to fax me the copies of the copies, which she did (thank god their filing system is better than mine). Then I needed a copy of my assessment on my income tax for this claim... guess what... couldn't find it. Looked everywhere and I mean everywhere. Ruffel of course can find all his stuff in a second. I tend to be a little too organized whereas he just piles all his stuff in one of two places. It is either on the desk downstairs or in the file box up here. So why can't I find my crap? Simple. One, I am trying to look after everyone elses crap so mine falls by the wayside. Two, I have too many places to file my crap, I should limit it too just one place. Three, I have to look after everyone elses crap... didn't I already say that? I guess you could say that there is a fourth reason, my brain just isn't what it used to be... in other words it is turning to crap with all the crap that I have stored in it. The good news though is that as the grey matter turns to mush I will be totally oblivious to the fact... I will be having such a fun time looking for the Easter eggs that I hid last year that it won't matter.
Thinking of you till next time... I think it's you...
Cat x


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