Thursday, May 13, 2010

Photo shoot

Don't you just hate having your picture taken? I mean I see a picture of myself and I say "Who the hell is that?" I find it interesting the perception that we have of ourselves and how others perceive us. There must be a blind mole in the camera who is trying to capture my essence.... cause the mole is getting it all wrong. I thought I had my dad's nose, but really I think it is my grandfather's. I thought I had my aunties hair, but I think I have my Nana's. My eyes... well I have no idea who's they are, other than the obvious- mine. So why do we not see ourselves as others do? Is because they see inside us and that it is our personalities than make more of a statement than our physical appearance? So, if that is the argument then it would make sense. Your friends will always (the good friends) tell you that you look good in that pic, someone who is not so fond of you will say, "Yeah, I knew it was you, I knew your grandfather and that's his nose just as I remember it". So why the conversation about pictures? Well, today I had my pic taken for the paper, for them to use for my column. I dread seeing the picture in print AND in colour. I am used to taking my own picture, striking just the right pose in just the right light, and taking at least 25 or 30 till I get it just right. Not too much of a smile (my eyes disappear) just a bit of tilt of the jaw to hide my hideous neck (age is not kind and gravity is a bitch!). I thank the Japanese god of cameras, SONYSON, for inventing the digital camera, that delete button comes in so handy.
Kodakily yours till next time,
shutting down for now,
Cat x


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