Monday, May 10, 2010

Magic Dancing Potion

I went to the car draw dance on Saturday night. I hadn't been to this annual event for probably 10 years. What made me decide to go this year... who knows. It was freezing in the arena, mostly due to the fact that it was so cold outside (it was snowing) and no heat in the arena. I kept my coat on and actually offered to be a coat rack for someone else, anything to acquire more layers to get warm. Well, I found something that helped to generate some heat. Magic dancing potion... you might know it by its medical name of Smirnoff, or street name of vodka. BS (before surgery) I used to love vodka and diet coke, but now since carbonated drinks are forbidden (only time I drank pop was with vodka) I have had to find a new mix to ease the process of ingesting the magic dancing potion- water. Yep, sounds awful but actually it is quite good. It takes about 45 minutes for the side effects of the potion to kick in, but once it takes effect, look out. A dancing fool is born. Onto the dance floor with anyone else who is under the influence of Smirnofficide or some other dancing potion, oh, there are many different varieties. Ruffel prefers the bubbling effervescence of Lacanadiana, also know as brewskie, or in lay mans terms, poor mans champagne, OK, it's just beer, just trying to jazz it up a bit. There is another side effect to Ruffels choice of poison, er, rather potion, it is the dreading shrinking bladder syndrome. Seems the more beer you drink the smaller your bladder becomes till it is almost none existent. The beer drinkers are easy to pick out at a function. They are the ones that are constantly on the move. They move to bar, move to find a table to set their frothy potion on then move onto the bathroom, to come back to finding that all the tables look a like, and which one did they set their beer on? So back to the bar they go, only to repeat this sequence of events over and over again all night long. Sometimes you can sneak a dance in the midst of all this pissing and getting pissed only to have the dance partner high tail it to the lineup to the washroom as soon as the last note has been played. Maybe that is where the term "Pissed" comes from, because of the drinking and the way the drinker acts after having drunk a couple of dozen beers, and the fact that they run to the loo with ever increasing frequency after having drunk said beers. Well, all I can say is that after drinking a couple of my drinks I am an amazing dancer. I lead, I twirl, I dance to anything... even better I sing AMAZINGLY! huh, not really, but when you are under the influence of the potion you think you can do anything, and anything well. Trotting off to dance lessons...
till next time Cat x


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