Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pass the chap stick

I take a sleeping pill to go to sleep at night. I have taken one for quite a while now to break my bad habit of staying up wayyyyyy toooo lattteeee. I would literally sit up most of the night, why, I have no idea. I just wasn't tired. So enter the sleeping pill. My doctor prescribed it and I love it. It works so fast! I take it and I have about 9 minutes to get to bed. If I stay up (or try to) I get all dizzy and don't really know what I am doing. It's kinda like being on a trip, but, you are not aware that you are tripping. I have taken it and then 10 minutes later realized that I have to put the dogs to bed (they sleep in the garage) so, out the front door I go, a little tipsy and wobbly on my feet. I put the dogs to bed and then realize that I forgot to do something on the computer (not really, but now I am tripping). Next thing I know I am on FaceBook making all kinds of new friends... people that I really don't know well enough to be friends with... and not even realize that I am doing it. Really tripping now. Well, last night I took the pill and went to bed and started to chat with Ruffel. I think I tried to give him a kiss good night (really tripping) and said to him that his lips were rough and that he needed some chap stick. He then said (as I don't remember) that I fumbled around in my night stand drawer till I found something and then proceeded to rub it into his chin, which was "rough" from his stubbly beard. I then promptly fell asleep. Fast forward to this morning when I noticed that my lips tasted rather sweet. I asked Ruffel if he knew why I had lip gloss on first thing in the morning, to which he reiterated everything that I just told you. I went to my drawer and had a look at what sort of chap stick/lip gloss I would have used as it was rather tasty. Hmmmm, only thing in the drawer was my "nipple nectar" a "nipple" cream that I had bought at a recent sex party. HA!!! I never put it on my nipples (what's the point?) as it was sold to me as a lip gloss, which it is great at being... my lips have never felt so soft. As for Ruffel, how I could confuse his chin with his nipples or lips for that matter is beyond me. Then again, remember this is the girl who set his chainsaw on fire. Totally tripping in nipple land.... till next time, headlights on high beam just for you...
Cat x


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