Monday, April 19, 2010

Kissing my sisters' ass

I have a huge apology to deliver to my sister, Samantha. Yesterday was her birthday and I never got a chance to tell her via bellconnection "Happy Birthday". I also committed the grand faux pas of not offering her salutations of the birthday kind via my blog. So this blog I devote to my sister and the day of her birth... yesterday. When my parents were alive they would always call each of us kids on our birthdays (this was after we had all left home, except in the case of the youngest who never left home till the house was sold and she had to leave)and sing to us "Happy Birthday". They would never say hello, just break into jolly singing as soon as you had uttered 'hello'. You would smile and they would sing the whole song and do a hip hip hooray at the end. We all loved it. When my father passed away that tradition ended. So grief stricken was my mother over the loss of the love of her life that she could not bear to sing "Happy Birthday" to any of us. In fact I think that when each of our birthdays would roll around she would rather just ignore the day then relive the pain of not having my father there to sing with her,to us. So are birthdays as important to us as we age as when we were children? Absolutely. It is not about the party or the presents but more the confirmation that we are remembered and celebrated for having survived another year on this planet, in this life. So to my sister Samantha, I wish you the best belated birthday greetings that could ever be sent your way. I hope that you had a great day and celebrated with zest and glee. Just think, in a mere 364 days I will wish you a very happy birthday, yet again.

Pinatas of sweetness going your way, till next time,

Cat x


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