Sunday, April 18, 2010


It seems to me that there are times when people go out of their ways to help others, and then there are the times that people seem to go out of their way to confront others. For instance, on Saturday I was in Barrie with a couple of friends shopping at Sears. Being a Saturday and having loads of sales on, the store was naturally packed with people spending money, who according to the newspapers and media outlets have no money to spend during this time of economic hardship... right, that is why there were lineups of 6 people deep waiting to pay for their purchases. It was while we were cruising through the amazing deals and selection of the shoe department that the first confrontation occurred. One lady brushed against another with her shopping bags. The lady who felt the bags said rather boisterously to the bag brasher "you hit me with your bags" the other lady replied "you ran into me" to which the first lady said "I was just standing here" to which the first lady rolled her eyes and mumbled something about "bitch in shoppers heaven". I thought that the way they were carrying on they must have known each other but apparently not. These weren't young women they were at least in their 50's or early 60's. I don't know why some people get so miserable. So what if the woman brushed you with her bag, did she leave a permanent scar? I think not. So what if someone butts in front of you in the line up, is it going to kill you to wait an extra 2 minutes? Probably not. Unless you happen to be in Tim Horton's and it is my friend who butts in front of the bitch behind us. I was standing in line (crazy busy place on a Saturday just after lunch) waiting as patiently as possible to get 2 teas and a large coffee. My friend C had just gone to use to facilities and had come back to stand behind me in the line up. The woman behind me said "hey" to which C said, "yeah I am butting in" she said it with a smile on her face and I spoke to her so the woman knew that we were in line together. Next thing this woman is grabbing C and trying to push her to the back of the line. What the hell? C says 'watch it grandma" and then laughs, the woman lets go and starts asking if she found the right washroom. At this point I am thinking oh, OK, they must know each other. C starts asking if the woman is wearing contact lens as her eyes are different. She says no, they are just that way. Then she makes the comment that her cat has the same sort of eyes. By this time we have made it up to the counter to place our order. I say to C "did you know that woman" to which she says "no". I then said that I thought that she was going to hit her for butting in line. C says "yeah, that's why I gave her the warning of "watch out grandma"". Man, some people are right out there. Our other friend who had come with us was sitting out in the van waiting which was a good thing as she is Italian... anything could have happened if she had been there. That was my afternoon. The day gets better as that night Ruffel and I were going to the landowners thank you dinner from the snowmobile club. Not that they go across our land but Ruffel's brother couldn't go so we went instead. It was the usual grey meat dinner with smashed potatoes and coronary causing gravy. The green beans were a nice touch, much better than the obligatory pig feed... corn. Why people eat corn is beyond me. It's yellow (not the best colour for food in my opinion), full of sugar and starch (your liver hates those two things and gets really confused and pissed off trying to figure out where in the body to store this garbage... hmmm should we pack it on the ass or should we put it on the knees this time?) and your digestive system cannot digest the outer covering of those little edible Lego pieces. Then at the end of the table (just to add insult to injury) there are those soft white dinner rolls with real butter. For dessert (you guessed it) pie of every kind... with whipped cream on the side, either the edible oil product in a can or the edible oil product in a plastic container. The bar was on full tilt and out to make a killing, which by the sounds and actions of the group I was with, they made a fortune that night. Dealing with a bunch of drunks when you are the DD is just a riot. Not. Why do drunk people always want to argue with you and say that they are OK to drive home? I mean they can't even stand up straight and they want to get behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle and put it on cruise control. I, however won the argument and delivered my cargo safely to their households. Another good deed to write in my book of good deeds, there aren't many pages with writing on them so need to work hard in the good deed department. Had fun at the dance, the band was great, played the kind of music I don't really like (country) but did play a little bit of other stuff, or was that the canned music on in the intermissions? The lead singer looked a lot like Van Morrison, right down to the leather cowboy hat. Had a few laughs and lots of dances... had to work off that potato and gravy dinner.
Till next time...
Cat x


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