Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shopping for fun stuff or not?

I hate shopping. Well, let me rephrase that. I hate shopping for car batteries, kitty litter and personal shavers. I mean yes, you do need all of those things, but there is just not the excitement in looking at them that there is looking for just the right bag, or the right pair of red shoes. Car batteries should come in all sorts of different colours to compliment ones personal taste, or at least match the colour of your vehicle. Would it be that hard to make that plastic coating just the right shade of pouty pink? If they came in all sorts of different colours more women would probably spend more time in the automotive department. As for kitty litter it is simply a matter of too many choices. Do you buy the clumping, the flushable, the more than one cat family, the one that turns blue where your cat pees so you can find it (what if you are colour blind, is the blue -purple?) or do you buy the one that is made out of "yesterdays news", do the cats sit and read while they are in the box? There is the super scented, the unscented, the "organic" scented (?) the all amazingly floral scented. I am only selecting for the litter box of one cat who probably would prefer just plain old sand, but since I have to clean up after the little darling (his name is Sven) I went with the highly scented, clumping, more than one cat in the family brand. I figure with the potency of the cat pee I had better get the most potentially neutralizing brand going. Now onto the personal shaver. I don't know why shaving your legs should be one of the happiest experiences of your day. It is just something that most woman do, usually in the morning shower. In the morning I don't need a bright yellow or orange or hot pink shaver. I don't need any more of that morning glory in my face. Yep, I am happy that I woke up and have another kick at the can of life, but I don't need Julie Andrews in the form of a shaver getting all giddy with colour and happiness in my face. Why don't shavers come in a nice shade of black? Something that will match the chrome highlights of the faucet? A nice neutral grey or even just plain old white... well maybe not white, I have cut myself enough times that I could see the white being stained with blood all too soon, see, black would be perfect! My favorite shopping is in antique stores. You just never know what you will find. Being a history lover I just imagine where that 1800's bed might have come from or even better who slept in it or even better who might have died in it or even better who might have been born in that bed or even better who was made in that bed! I know silly thinking, but thinking all the time. I have a bed from the 1800's, it has survived countless moves, a fire, illness (my own) has been a place of incredible dreams, and all this since I have owned this bed. The mattress has been changed after all that action and now serves as a guest bed. So the legacy continues for the bed as I have quite a few house guests over the course of a year. The thing with this bed is that it is quite high off the ground almost 3.5 feet to be exact. The last guest that stayed in the "bed" commented that it was like a bed for a princess, I never knew that he was so in touch with his feminine side! So next time you go shopping be sure to fill in one of those "how was your shopping experience" cards and tell them we want car batteries that come in all the "right" shades of pink, purple, green, red, gold or silver. Think of all the women who will hang out in the automotive department- that should be incentive enough for the man in charge.
Shopping and living in vibrant colour (except in my leg shaver)
Cat x


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