Sunday, April 11, 2010

Time flies by

I never posted a blog on Friday because it was just too depressing of a day. What should be spring was in fact winter. Snow and cold north winds. I did not want to get out of bed so dreary was the day. I did though and got through the day at work and came home to my teapot and snuggy blanket. The rest of the afternoon was rather uneventful. I spoke to my sister in the evening and she reminded me of how long my parents have been gone. Seven years this July for my father and coming up on five years for my mother... where has that time gone? It just seems like yesterday. Maybe it is because I keep pushing down the emotional feelings that go along with the loss of a loved one that one becomes unaware of just how much time has gone by.
Work on Saturday was rather busy which makes me happy, I need to justify to the boss that it is important that there is someone available in the office if only to hand out meds. I then went to babysit my grandson for an hour or so which was very quiet... he was sleeping and never woke the whole time I was there. I watched some Bollywood TV. I just love Bollywood. I love the dancing, I have never seen such funny movies and the music is all the same beat. The movie was half English half some other language, I think Punjab of some sort. But, and don't think of me as a racist when I say this, but most of the people in the movie were very white. Natural white, not Michael Jackson white... I am going to have to find out more about where this area is, if any of you know please let me know. Saturday night I went out for dinner with my friend K, had a fab salad at East Side Marios (Tuscan Chicken- greens, fresh figs, goat cheese and grilled chicken breast, it was perfect). We then went to see the movie Hot Tub Time Machine, now to enjoy this movie you had to be around and well aware of the '80s (which I was) to see those old leg warmers and big hair dos, oh my god, made me cringe. The movie was good and funny and I would recommend it to all, just good entertainment. Looks like there are a bunch of not so good ones coming up in the near future. Fans on Macgiver (sp) there is a spoof (of sorts) coming out for you. Today has risen full of sunshine and so far very little wind, so I think I think I will get the laundry going and see where this day takes me...
Cat x


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