Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What a Thrill

Today I had lunch with a good friend of mine. Kim is the psychic that I have often talked about and had dealings with over the last seven years. When I had my shop in town she would often come and do readings for clients. Since I have retired from my business our friendship and business relationship has continued. I have had Kim to my house on several occasions doing readings for friends and strangers alike. Kim decided a couple of years ago that she would like to write a book about all of her experiences and the things that she has seen while doing readings for so many people. She has done thousands of readings over the years. I was privileged enough to be able to work with Kim on this project. The book is called, "Wake Up Call". I had a great time working with Kim and being able to contribute to the creation of this dream. So far Kim has sold more than 25,000 copies... might not seem like a lot in comparison to a great seller like "Twilight" but Kim has sold all of these books simply by word of mouth... not yet in a book store. To me that is an amazing feat, and congratulations on her success. She is getting ready to do her second printing with her goal on getting the book on the shelves of Chapters etc. As I did contribute to the book I am ecstatic to see my name in the front cover of the book as a contributor (there were a few of us who worked on the book). To see your name in print is a real thrill. As I continue to slug along on my daily musings of life in my blog, I am living in hope that this discipline will yield me my own true to life published piece of literature. Writing is a difficult form of creative expression, even more difficult to be recognized for than a painting or sculpture. For those forms of art one only has to open their eyes, for writing it takes covenant on the part of the audience to commit to reading the whole story in order to appreciate the message. To those of you who continue to humor me by reading this blog I say a big THANK YOU, I certainly do value your time and energy that you bestow to my meanderings.
Cat x


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