Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The forest is alive

I went for a walk with the dogs after dinner. The evening was calm and the rain had held off. I no sooner put my boots on and the hounds were afoot, ready to take one of our first spring outings. I strode purposely out to the last bit of forest on the edge of our property, a mere mile away. There in the depths of dead leaves was the awakening of the green of a new crop of leeks. Intermingled with the short green bursts of pungent leeks were the wispy tall ranks of daffodils. I could not help myself, I had to rob the forest of a few of its offerings to brighten the black counters of my kitchen. Yes, I am guilty of stealing from mother nature for the sole purpose of my own quest of springs glorious yellow bounty a selfish act I say. On the way back to the house I marvelled at the industrious antics of birds, eagerly pairing up to build nests and make eggs that would hatch into new life. Spring, what more can you say?
Cat x


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