Sunday, June 6, 2010


Consistency... there is more than one way to think of the meaning of this word. You can think of it in a positive and a negative fashion. I am going to use it in the negative version. Ruffel has a friend who consistently tries his patience. This person has no concept of time or regard for the time of others. His friend calls and says they will be right over and then doesn't show up for four frigging hours. They call and expect Ruffel to show up at the drop of a hat to move their equipment all over hells acres at their convenience not Ruffels. Thing is, while this consistently negative behavior affects Ruffel first most, it also affects me. I have to listen to Ruffel complain about this person and how inconsiderate they are, and how he has to sit around and wait for him to either show up or call. I don't blame Ruffel for being upset... I would be too. But there is one constant feature of this friend of Ruffel's ... he is consistent in his inconsiderate behavior. Till next time... hanging on by a thread of trepidation...
Cat x


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