Monday, May 31, 2010

Lightning Strikes Out

Tonight was the second game of my "illustrious" baseball career, except the gods had a different plan. With the heavy humidity and heat the area was prime for a mother of a thunderstorm, on the anniversary of the big tornado that roared through Barrie 25 years ago. It is a little intimidating standing out in an open field with a large metal bat in your hands, in the air, like a lightning rod, no less. I was posted to cover first base (they seem to think that is a good place for me) and stood shaking in my cleats watching the black horizon close in on us. Rain doesn't normally bother me, but I did have my new glove on my hand and I really didn't want to get it wet. We made it through one inning (got one out and hit the ball) but then the lightning started coming fast and furious. The umpire makes the call to quit the game. The words were barely out of his mouth and 20 women ran squealing as if the red light special at K-mart had just been announced. We will meet up with this same team again on Friday night for a re-match, thank god, we were losing so maybe we will be able to redeem ourselves.
Till next time, guarding first
Cat x


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