Saturday, June 5, 2010

Butter Knife, Please

As I said a little earlier, somewhere, to someone, that I would be going to the Legion after my baseball game on Friday night. I thought it would be fun to hang out with the new people on the team (I'm one of them) and get to know them. Turns out it was the group of girls going that I already know pretty well, that was fine, I'm up for a good time and laughs, no problem. What I was not up for was Karaoke. Why is it that when people have about 4 bottles of liquid courage pumped into them they want to start singing. I mean, if you can't hold a tune when you are sober, chances are you can't hold one when you are half in the bag. Now maybe I should reconsider that statement. I remember going to see Joe Cocker perform (in Ottawa) and his performance I am sure was alcohol (maybe drugs too) influenced. He has a great singing voice and I love to listen to him, watching him however was a little unsettling. He resembled someone who was having a fit in the insane asylum. He was stiff on one side and stumbly on the other. But I digress. So here I am sitting in a legion (not the most decoratively decorated decor) with a bunch of drunks ( my friends) and a bunch of other old drunks (not my friends, not even acquaintances) who all want to sing at the top of their lungs, totally out of key and with the stage presence of a snail. In other words, death by a butter knife would have been less painful. I was asked, even begged to get and sing, but I was not under the influence of liquid courage and had a terrible sore throat. Not only that I just didn't want to get up and make the rest of the "wannabes" realize that they had met their match... just joking... I do my best singing on the treadmill with my Ipod attached to my ears. Usually Ruffel and the kid are standing just in the wings laughing their heads off, or they have adjusted the volume on the television to jet engine decibels to drown out my crooning. Ah well, mama and papa never had enough dough to send me to singing classes, just as well, I never did like travelling via the greyhound travel system.
Till next time, holding the mike for you and keeping the beer flowing...
Cat x


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