Sunday, May 30, 2010


This is a very short post. Let's just say that sometimes husbands and wives should not try to fix things together. Things like, oh, um, the handle on the back of your van (meaning the wife's) especially when the husband has just come home from a nice relaxing fishing trip with his buddies and the wife has had to look after hyper kid all weekend. Then throw in the fact the van is a little rusty in certain spots, namely where the washer and nut need to go, and all of this maneuvering through a tiny little hole. Then out comes the magnetic thing to find this washer that has been dropped several times into the dark abyss of the interior of the van back hatch. It seems the only way to find the washer is to use just about every expletive known to man and woman kind, most of this coming from me. When that fails, you need to get the big round cutter outer thing and make said tiny hole a whole lot bigger. In the end we got the damn thing fixed and ended on a kind note. Thanks Ruffel for all your help. Really.
Magnetically yours till next time,
Cat x


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