Friday, June 4, 2010

The Kid's thinking

So the kid and I are always at logger heads. He's a stubborn bull headed Taurus and I am a Scorpio, enough said. Dinner time is one of the times that all hell can break loose and last night it did as usual. We got onto a discussion about summer camp and how I thought that it would be great for him to go away and have a week of fun with like minded kids such as he. Key word being "like minded". The kid has some issues which are not his fault but the direct result of his birth mothers habits ( not me). This special camp would have a counsellor for every 2 kids, which is great, lots of one on one fun and supervision. I thought it was a great idea. The kid not so happy about the prospect. First he asked if the "special" camp would be somewhere where someone who wore a leg brace could go. I thought to myself , now who does he know with a leg brace... ah, right the next door neighbours kid. Hmmm, answer, no. Then he got all gnarly with attitude about how come I didn't stop his birth mother from doing bad things when she was pregnant with him, so that then he wouldn't have to go to a "special" camp. I had to explain that I did not know his birth mother then or even now. This piqued his curiosity about how the adoption process works. He asked if it was like going to a big room and just picking out which kid you wanted. I said that no, it is a long process that you have to fill in lots of forms and then they (the people in charge of adoption) match you up with a kid they think is right for you. To this he promptly replies "Well, they got the match with the dad right, but not with the mother. Can we fill in some forms and send you back?" To this I just had to leave the table, thank god I had finished my salad. Of course Ruffel is never around when any of this stuff is going on, so I am left to try to deal with it as best I can. Hmm, so some people think kids are just so darn cute. I'd like them to spend some time in my world and my slippers.
Till next time, taking it on the chin, and looking for some new forms to fill in,
Cat x


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