Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Kids a Shopper

I am writing this blog in the morning of the next day, rather than the evening of yesterday, which is when I usually write. The reason for this is quite simple really, I was just too frikking tired to write last night. The kid has a birthday next week, the grand old age of 10 (surprised either of us have made it this far). He needed a new bike (which he also wanted) and needed some new "cool" clothes. As soon as he got home from school we took off for the mall in Barrie. He knew that this shopping trip was all for him so he watched a movie in the van and kept very quiet for the ride there, not easy for him. We hit Sears first in the quest for jeans that fit a 9 inch waist with 48 inch legs hanging off them. Not an easy task. Even the slim fit jeans he swam in. Then we found some "pull" on jeans with an adjustable waist that were met with some moderate success. They were ok, but just not quite as cool as some of the jeans from West 49. I told the kid that he needs to eat more then he would be able to fit into some more "cooler" jeans, they just don't make "cool" jeans for toothpicks. He told me that he hates food and never wants to get fat. He will never have to worry about getting fat, anything he eats he works off in 4 minutes, he just never sits still. Anyway, we found some neat t-shirts with flying skulls and even a hoodie with a bit of bling on it ( appeals to our feminine side, well mine anyway). We even got a bike. I was pushing for the lime green with suspension and said "Hawk" on it, I think in reference to Tony Hawk, but no, he was determined to have the white bike. The white bike was 50$ less so who was I to argue. By this time my feet were killing me, my hands and arms felt like they were swollen and elongated to ogre proportions from carrying all the kids new stuff around. In the end everyone was happy, Sears, for me spending over 200$ on clothes, the sports store for the sale of a bike, the kid cause he got all that he wanted (although he did ask how much money was left for him to spend) even 2 samples of men's cologne from the nice lady at the counter (he says" she gave me those 'cause she thought that I was cute") he's gonna be a player in a few years that's for sure. I'm happy, 'cause he's happy... plus Clinique had a purchase gift special, which always makes me happy when you get something for almost nothing.
Wading in sales receipts, till next time,
Cat x


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