Sunday, May 2, 2010

Life is a Learning Curve

I went to a party last night in a part of the world that I don't spend much time in. This part of the world is on the other side of the "highway" the imaginary line between my world and "theirs". It is an odd feeling to be in a room of about 150 people and only know a mere 5 or 6. You might not think so, I mean you go to a different country or a big city and chances are you know no-one, in a case like that, that is how it is supposed to be. This party was a theme party (it was actually a buck and doe, remember fund raiser for the bride and groom) you were to come dressed in the way of either the 60's, 70's or 80's. I recognized some of the clothing and attitude examples that entered the hall (leg warmers, heavy stockings, kitten heels, crimped hair) but the best part of the night was the music. I was taken back over 20 years to my joyous days of hanging out in dark clubs with questionable patrons having a ball dancing with my friends. I rocked, back then, now I can hardly remember the "moves" but what I do remember is the feeling that the music brought back to me. Who could forget Tim Curry in "Rocky Horror Picture Show?". The small group of people I was partying with shocked me when they said that they had never seen the movie... WHAT? or even heard of Tim Curry! how could you have missed it? I remember going to the midnight showings in Victoria, you had to bring your own toast, umbrella and make sure that the black eye makeup was just smeared enough that it was supposed to look that way and not that you didn't care about just how smeared your black eye makeup was. Remember those Alice Cooper eyes? He was the coolest thing going when I was in high school. I saw a fellow last night who had lined his eyes in kohl, sort of a cross between King Tut and Bret Michaels (Poison, the band). King Tut for the eyes and the white bandanna worn low over the eyes was Michaels for sure. What was more interesting about this guy was the person who was his date. Now remember this is a dress up party. His date was wearing a dress, a short dress, with moon type boots and their hair sort of beehivey /down cross. They had a definite 5 o'clock shadow for a moustache and she/he walked like a man. But I think it was a woman, but, I am sure that she/he came out of the men's lav when we were leaving. Now, in a big city this is no big deal, but I was at the center of Butt F*ck nowhere where I am sure that it is something of a big deal. Well, they (the proverbial they) say that there is a lot of inbreeding going on one that side of the highway (like I am sure there is in the hills around here, in fact know for a fact it does) and I guess that with that sort of activity going on you are bound to end up with he/she confusion. See, this is why I tell my sister that you have to mix with all sorts of people, sometimes go out of your comfort zone (or the high earners zone) to see how the majority or minority of the world lives. I also told her that it is a wonderful way to research some interesting characters for my writing. I am happy to report that I have seen many sides of life, which provides me with a constant learning curve, after all that is what living is all about, well, unless you are a man dressed like a woman looking for the next big wow, or a woman dressed like a man and just saying wow. Now I have to go and find a copy of the Rocky Horror, I just couldn't remember all the moves to the Time Warp... now put your left in and right foot out, bring your knees in tight and do the pelvic thrust... well you get the picture.
Till next time... red corsets and fish net stockings, may they figure prominently in your dreams.
Cat x


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