Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good movie

Tonight I took the kid to see the movie "How to Train Your Dragon." The latest Dreamworks venture. It was in 3D, which I hate to admit is the first time that I have ever watched a movie in 3D. I know, I am soooo behind the times. It was amazing how things seemed to be touchable. The action is right in your face, which even though it is a kids movie, was enough for me. I don't think that I could ever watch some of the "Die Hard" series in 3D or lord forbid a vampire movie, I would be scared s*itless! I did jump a little in the seat when the really big dragon came out of the depths of the "nest", although the kid didn't even flinch. Then again he has been watching scary movies since he was about 2. He would watch Lord of the Rings sucking madly on his soother and be spellbound for about 2 hours... much better than Thomas the Tank Engine you know. The kid has an affinity for horror and gore. Not me. I can watch all the real life blood and guts but none of the Hollywood stuff. You'd think it would be the other way 'round... wouldn't you? So you could say I prefer real life to the art imitating life question. Well whatever your fancy, I hope you find it all entertaining.
Still picking popcorn out of my teeth (not really)
Cat x


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