Friday, February 12, 2010

Where did all the good TV go?

I am not in a very good mood. First, my fav show LA Ink was not on last night as was previously advertised... strike one. Second my next fav show, Ghost Hunters was not on due to some show about a bunch of athletic types getting their groove on. Strike two... Now that the Olympics are on (yawn) there will be nothing on TV but them. Egad, why does the whole world have to stop when some sport thing is happening? I mean, really, why tie up all the channels for that. If you did a world wide poll on how many people actually give a rats ass about some skiers and skaters and other winter sport stuff you would find that it would be a very low percentage. Personally, I feel that sports, both the Olympics and all other organized sports is a blatant waste of tax payers money and an obscene way to earn a living. Why does some guy who throws a ball through a hoop or slaps a little round black thing into a net need 8 million dollars to do it? If you added up all the money that just 1 hockey team worth of players made in a year it would help out Haiti for eons, and that is only one team. Add up all the hockey, baseball,basketball and whatever other sports things there are out there and it would be in the multi- multi- millions. Too crazy for this girl to fathom.
Ticked off in TV land,
Cat x


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