Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's your Obsession?

So, do you have an obsession? Don't think you do? Just ask one of your close friends and you may be surprised at their answer.
Oxford defines obsession as "an unhealthy preoccupation." I call it "fixed on something that may very well be unobtainable. "
When I think of the people in my life, both friends and family, I can think of several obsessions that they have. My father had an obsession with having shiny shoes. A habit he developed while he was in the Navy, out of necessity really, to show up to inspection with less than stellar foot wear would result in either kp or sh duty. Neither of which was pleasant. My mother I would have to say was obsessed with having a respectable situation in life. In other words she would have loved to have had a title. When she would return to her homeland (Sweden) and she was addressed by her name of "Mrs. Haynes" it would come out as "Mrs Highness" she loved it, she would have loved to have had some sort of monarchy title. An obsession? Maybe not.
Some people are obsessed with having control over every situation in their life. To them not being in control is like spiralling out of control, and it makes them crazy. They just cannot be happy unless they are in control. So is it really an obsession? Hmmmm.
Today to say the word obsession makes one think of the movie, oh what was it called, the one where Michael Douglas has an affair with a woman who becomes obsessed with him and ends up boiling his daughters rabbit, you know the one I mean. That would be a very "unhealthy" obsession.
Calvin Klein has his own brand of obsession, and it smells OK.
So what is your obsession? I would tell you mine, but then I would obsess about how you might use it against me, or, you might like my obsession better than yours, then we would both be obsessing over the same thing... not a healthy competition.
So what do people obsess about? For some it is money, a car, a person, a job or just a certain type of acquisition.
Some might obsess about "making it" whether that means obtaining a certain authoritative position in life or just being accepted socially.
So why all this talk of obsessions? I don't know, today I just feel obsessed to talk of obsessions. Maybe because we are in for 6 more weeks of winter according to the large rodent who saw his shadow today and that has just pushed me to the brink of obsessing about how I am going to survive 6 more weeks of cabin fever and frigid temps.
Oh well, I'll just go have a hot bath and sprinkle myself liberally with Calvin Klein and hope for the best.
Obsessively yours,
Cat x


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