Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Friday Again...

Well it is the end of the week, yet again. I don't know where the time goes but it flies by. As the old saying goes " life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to the end you get, the faster it goes." Guess that sums up life, as Archie Bunker would say "down the terlet." Had dinner at a local restaurant tonight. Don't know why I went back there. Last time I was there I swore that I would never go back again, but memory loss kicked in and off the kid and I went. The service is terrible, the food is terrible and you just feel terrible after you leave. Egads, next time that I am feeling like going to eat somewhere I will read my blog to remind me never to go there again. Should have just come home and made a bowl of soup. Now I will spend the rest of the night feeling ill. Oh well. It will be quiet here this weekend, Ruffel has gone off ice fishing with his mates. Good-o I say. I just don't understand the appeal of sitting on a 5 gallon pail in the middle of a frozen body of water with my stick hanging over the edge. I guess it must be a guy thing that goes back to primordial days.. you know that hunting and scavenging thing that guys like to do. I am sure that he will have a good time, I know I will. I think I will start the weekend by doing some housework, that way I won't feel guilty for not doing anything else for the rest of the weekend. There is reasoning in my madness.
Dusting off for now,
Cat x


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