Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Homework, or how to ruin a perfectly good evening.

The "kid" had homework tonight, and as usual he had no idea what he was supposed to do. I have to wonder what this 4 foot 70 pound breathing, functioning persona does all day when he is supposed to be learning. I know he doesn't eat anything because all of his lunch comes home. I ask him why he doesn't eat his lunch and he tells me it is because he doesn't "have time." I'm thinking, wow, he reads and does his work instead of eating... wrong, he is socializing! If this kid had to get a mark in visiting and keeping track of his friends daily actions he would be deemed a genius. Part of his homework tonight was matching Medieval persons with their job description. What the hell is an ewerer? Google it and the description given is nothing that matches the choices given on the worksheet. Frustration is mounting to Mt. Everest proportions on my part. Next comes a question on a "visual novel" that they saw today. OK, when I went to school, "visual" meant big illustrations that the teacher held up, never mind a Hollywood production. He only watched the first chapter of the story and then he had to answer some questions. Thing is, as easy as this sounds, the "kid" can't remember what he saw in the movie. He remembers there was a queen and a guy that died, and oh yeah, a dragon that speaks. Frig... no help at all. If they are going to show a movie in class, would they not discuss it after the showing? Maybe give out some supporting notes? According to the "social genius" there was no such discussion and no notes. Needless to say we had to place him under a very bright light for the Inquisition process in hopes to have any affect on shorty's' brain. By this time, I was done, I toddled off to recline in the sloping pool filled with lavender scented bubbles to ease the pain of grade four social studies. Ruffel took up the slack and finished off the frustrating task at hand. I still don't know what happened in the movie. I think I will have to track down a copy of said movie and watch it over and over again to get all the answers to what will no doubt be a lengthy series of questions aimed at testing my memory and viewing skills. Yesch...
dragonnnn my butt to bed, till next time,
Cat x


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