Monday, February 1, 2010

When your mouth doesn't work.

Have you ever had one of those days where your mouth just does not seem to work. I had one of those days today. I know, hard to believe with such a yappy person as I. I always have problems with the word "aluminum". It just never seems to come out right. I think that it is a form of oral dyslexia. A condition where your brain is 8 steps ahead of your mouth. Your brain is on speed and your mouth is on Valium, they just don't connect. Usually when I have one of these days the person I am trying to convey my message to just says, "uh, huh, got ya". This seems to make it worse because as soon as your mouth gets the OK to just stop trying to work, the brain further gets frustrated and tries to shove more vocabulary out of that opening known as the mouth. Even the simplest of words are difficult to spit out, it is as if your tongue is made of wood. I often wonder if the people who have their tongues pierced find that they have a difficult time speaking, constantly tripping over that round ball of metal stuck to their tongue. My good friend "C" has a diamond in her tooth, it doesn't seem to cause her any problems, but, Mick Jagger once had a ruby put in one of his teeth and found that it changed the mechanics of his speech so much (and his singing) that he had to have it removed. Ah, the dilemmas of life . I don't have any foreign bodies in my mouth, I have a hard enough time eating a Popsicle without gagging... never mind. So I guess the only reason that I can think of that I might have had such a hard time with speaking today was that I had just simply gabbed too much yesterday. So I think for the rest of the night I will just shut up and give everything a rest (it will just about kill me ya know)... here's to tomorrows gab fest.
Chattily yours,
Cat x


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