Saturday, February 6, 2010

Work Done

Why is it that when Ruffel is away I seem to get so much done? It's not as if he is hanging around wanting me to do all sorts of things for him. I tell ya, I understand the saying, "When the cat is away, the mouse will play". I mean it is not that I am out philandering and doing all sorts of crazy things, no, not I. I am doing umpteen loads of laundry, cleaning, baking, sorting my closet and actually rearranging my clothes in order of preference. I mean, why is it that when he is home I have no desire to do any of these things? Can anyone explain the rationale behind all of this frenetic work? At the end of it all, it feels great. To sit and read my book knowing that everything is in its place and all work is done.
Ahhhh, life is good.
Tuning out for now,
Cat x


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