Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's Bonspiel Time again

It is definitely getting close to spring. Not that there are any real signs out there in nature, but the signs are here in my house. Russel is a curler, and towards the end of the season there is always a bonspiel. Tomorrow is the cattleman's bonspiel. These bonspiels signal two things to me. One, I get an extra long stretch of watching whatever I want to on TV, and two, that the curling season is winding down. Russel loves to curl, has for most of his life. Curling, I just don't get it. When I first started going out with Russel (he told me not to call him Ruffel anymore, it embarrasses him) I thought that I would join the mixed curling league to spend some quality time with him. Quality time my ass, frozen ass that is. Do you have any idea how cold they have to keep that little room in order for the ice to stay frozen? Colder than a morgue, that's what I think. Must be, 'cause my fingers and feet would be frozen solid to the point that I couldn't feel them, just like they were dead. I don't know how some of the women could stand to curl in a skirt! They were real die hards, that's for sure. My curling days were short lived, one season of that and I had enough. Some of the games didn't start till 9 p.m. and didn't finish till at least 11 and then you had to drink till at least 12:30 or 1. It was a slow and agonizing death for me. Not only that, I just couldn't hit anything with that rock thing other than the other end of the rink. You are supposed to make it stop in the circle things and hope that no-one knocks it out. I got to the point that I would just toss the rock and walk away before I even saw where it landed. Just not my game. Russel takes curling very seriously, I think he is a pretty good player. Every once in a while his picture is in the paper and his name appears on a trophy, so long as he is happy, then I am happy. So I look forward to the bonspiels, not only for the extra peace and quiet around here, but also because it means that spring is coming.
Rock on, till next time,
Cat x


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