Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's Lambing Time

I work in a vet office, and I hear a lot of stories about farms, farmers and animals. Some of them are sad, some make you feel glowy all over and some are just darn right funny. So today I am working away and I get a call from a client who wants to pick up some meds. No problem I am there and the meds are in stock. This client I like to call the "big bad wolf" cause when he comes in he sits down and licks his lips constantly whilst speaking to me. Needless to say it is very unsettling, I feel like I am a sushi roll on display at the take away counter, or a lamb chop about to be devoured at the very least. The guy is harmless (Ruffel knows him and has known him for eons) but he just makes my skin crawl. Any way, today he starts to tell me all his stories about his "hundreds "of sheep, about how you have to go and check on them every two hours once they start lambing or they will freeze to death, about what he feeds them, how much he gets for them at market, how he got attacked by his ram, and on and on and on. For about an hour. I finally had to tell him that I had to get back to work and he took the hint and left. However, after listening to all his talk about sheep and lambs it reminded me about the funniest story that I have ever heard about sheep and wolves/coyotes. There is a large producer of lambs not to far from me and they have had really bad years for loss of lambs due to wolves and or coyotes. So, they held a village meeting about setting a bounty on the wolves/coyotes to help curb the problem. At the meeting a "city" person stood up and said "could you not just catch the male wolves and neuter them?" to which the lamb producer stood up and said "listen lady, the wolves aren't fucking the sheep, they're killing them." Funniest thing I have ever heard in my life. I still chuckle when I hear/tell that story and I have heard it a million times.
Off to count sheep in bed...
Fleecily yours,
Cat x


At February 11, 2010 at 12:43 PM , Blogger Samantha said...

So funny! I love that story about the city gal.


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