Saturday, February 13, 2010

Just a reminder

This time of year is enough to drive me crazy. I am restless and full of resentment. Resentment because I know that there are people in the world who can walk out their front door and be somewhere. Boredom has set in and its roots have run deep. Deep, deep, deep. If I lived in a city or even in a big town there would be lots to do. Why just look at this picture of the Shakespeare book store in Paris. Not only is it an amazing place full of interesting, one of a kind books, but, also it is full of interesting people. I am someone who has been to many places and met many people, and I have to tell you it is killing me sitting in the middle of a windy, snowy hill with nothing but boredom. I feel like Zza Zza Gabor in the series Green Acres. Oh how she lamented over not being in her beloved New York City... I feel her pain. I understand. I know that this is only a passing phase, it is just that time of year. The days are getting longer, the sun seems a little brighter. Just another 4 months and I should be able to sit out by the pool and read a good read and catch some rays. Just 4 long months to go...
Daydreaming in winter land,
Cat x


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