Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don't you just hate January

January has to one of the most depressing months of the year. I mean, where I live it is a constant battle. A battle to get the boots on, the long underwear, the car door open, the car started, the foot of snow that has frozen in a hard drift onto the front windshield of your car (they have not invented a scraper that can get through that stuff). It is a battle to rouse oneself to get out of bed in the morning. It is still dark at 7 a.m. and frigging cold on the feet. Now I know why bears hibernate... winter is just too cold, too dark, and just too much work. When you compare a winter morning to a summer morning... well, there is just no comparison. Mornings are just so bright and warm, the birds are singing, why it is just like a Disney cartoon, you just want to jump out of bed and get going. Not only is the weather better but you don't have to apply layers of cotton, polyester and wool just to go to the bathroom! In the summer you run around almost naked it is so nice and warm and cozy. Oh, I have had the odd July 1st when we have had to light the wood stove as the temperature has dropped to 60 , how dare mother nature pull an ugly on us like that. The only good thing that I can say about January is that being the first month of the year we get it over with quickly, the rest of the year can only get brighter and warmer. My son is born in January. I wish I had paid closer attention to my breeding cycles so that I could have given him a birthday in a warmer month. He doesn't seem to mind. People are just starting to get ready to party again after the holiday season. Hangovers are a dim memory. You've managed to drop a couple of pounds because thank god the shortbread and the fruitcake is all gone. The only chocolates left in the box are the ones that no-one really likes. I mean who thought of putting green cream into a dark chocolate? Somehow that just doesn't seem right. January does give us the excuse to go to bed early (without feeling guilty) reading all Sunday afternoon (just too cold to go out, you know you could lose your nose after just 15 minutes out there!) and wearing your wool socks to bed without feeling like you aren't being sexy. Fuzzy warm feet are a might sexier than sleeping with the ice queen as Ruffel likes to say.
So here is to January, may you hurry up and turn into February, the month of chocolate and love. Funny how those two seem to be a perfect match.
Be happy where you are, may it be warm and full of fun things to do.
Cat x


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