Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No Guts... No Glory

Well, I did it, I finished the painting. I showed it to the guy I work for and to my relief he didn't fall over laughing or roll his eyes so far back into his head that he looked dead. Instead he seemed rather surprised that I could paint a red square with little black hatch marks on it. The painting was/is of a house here in town, complete with a tree or two and some leaves on the ground.
I walked into the gallery to hand it in and they accepted the offering. They even asked how much I wanted the bidding to start at. Bidding? They are going to try to sell this thing? Apparently there is a silent auction with 30% of the sale price going to the gallery and the remainder going to you. Well I upped the anty to 50%, I really didn't do this for monetary gains. Then again 50% of nothing is nothing. The gallery person asked if I would be attending the show on Saturday, I fairly guffawed with shock. Moi... at an opening... with a piece by me on the wall? Hell yeah, I'll slink in when no one is looking have a quick roam around and slink out again before I am noticed. I think I have an idea of how the great artists must have felt before their works were on display (not that I am saying that I am great). Andy Warhol, why he must have eaten a case of Campbell's soup before his premier. Van Gogh probably kept readjusting his hat so no one would notice the little detail of part of his ear missing. Picasso... well who knows what he would be thinking, I can't figure his art out at all. As the world of critics say "Art is subjective" or is it objective? Hmmmm, I'll have to look that one up. So if you are in town this Saturday, go check out the show, I am sure that you will see many different interpretations of this little village I call home.

Be happy where you are... no matter what is on your wall.
Cheers Cat


At January 9, 2010 at 8:57 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I know I saw your painting before you took it into the gallery, but when I saw it yesterday amongst the other submissions - your's is awesome Cat. You should feel proud - for a first attempt, most of those couldn't hold a candle to yours.


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