Monday, January 4, 2010

What was I thinking?

Life is an adventure.... a long and winding road that we never know what is around the next corner. Sometimes we pack a lunch and prepare for the next leg of the journey, sometimes (and this is my favorite way to travel) we fly by the seat of our pants. Such is the quandary I find myself in today. I have this notion that since my father was rather artistically gifted (in the good sense, not like he was artistically challenged, you know all that politically correct terminology for being a reta*d) I thought that maybe a little of that talent fell into the pool of cells that became moi. Hmmmmmm. So I thought why not set a challenge for myself and enter the local art contest. See, you buy a canvas for 20$ and then you have to paint (minor detail) what Creemore means to you on it. Well my imagination tends to run on overload 99.9% of the time so I formed these magical images in my little mind of what I would like to paint, create, etc. Only thing, I've never painted a thing before in my life, well, unless you count that chalk outline I did to help someone out... but that is another whole story. So I, being one who loves to leave things to the 11th hour ( I perform much better under pressure) am in an artistic flurry of panic induced creative activity. Oh, I have art friends that I could call for help, but, I don't have any eyes to do... I don't have any abstract circles or squares in my piece and I certainly don't need help from B.A on a guitar rift to set my work ablaze. So I will blunder on. The good news is... if I totally screw it up, I will paint it all black and call it a blackout, hell, what with all those trees down the main street so close to the hydro wires, well, you know the rest.
I leave you with one of my new fave sayings which seems apropos for the art side of me....
"If love is blind, then why is lingerie so popular?"
Thanks for reading and as always... be happy where you are, even if it is at the end of the line.
Cat x


At January 5, 2010 at 3:51 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Cat, another great column. I enjoy reading it. Good luck with the art project.


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