Sunday, January 3, 2010

What a start to the new year- UGH!

OMG... words escape me... wait, no they don't. Two words come to mind... Cabin Fever. That is what I am feeling after enduring day three of being locked (by the weather) in the house with a bored/hyper kid and the man I sleep with. Ruffel (also known as Russel) is my husband. He loves this sort of weather as it makes him feel like a god... the god of snow blowing. Many weekenders are reliant on him and his mighty tool (tractor and blower) to help them escape from clogged driveways and mile high snow drifts. Many mornings he is on the road by 5 am to help people get to work or to the mall, whatever is more important for that day. My preference is the mall, although work is OK too. The snow is relentless in its quest to reach the telephone wires. Winds shift snow like the sands of a desert... only this desert is white and icy cold. I can hardly wait for July 1st. Canada Day to some, but to me the day that it is safe to remove the long underwear. Oh, you laugh, but there have been many July 1st's where the wood stove has had to be lit to provide some heat.

Well, I told you yesterday that I was working on my new column for the local paper. I am going to do a bit on what the New Year means to people, everyone has there own take on what it means. Oprah said" The New Year is another chance to get it right" so here's to hoping that I get it right. Some feel that with the start of a New Year they can get out of the "rut" they might feel that their life has become, this reminds me of another saying "the difference between a rut and a grave is the depth". Hopefully it is only a rut that you find yourself in, and here's hoping that the New Year hands you a shovel to start digging your way out.

Well cheerio for now or TTFN (ta ta for now as my Nan used to say), remember, be happy where you are, even if it is covered in snow.

Cat x


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