Thursday, January 7, 2010

At least I didn't faint or pass gas...

One of my worst nightmares came to fruition today. It is such a phobia of mine that it makes me literally sweat bullets, really, huge bullets of sweat form in all regions of me. My heart pounds, I develop a headache of migraine magnitude, the whole nine yards. Oh what might make me respond as thus you ask, well, let me tell you... it is the dreaded taking of personal photos. That's right the family group shot that hangs on the family room wall. The picture that reminds us that we are part of a unit, a clan, a gathering of people with the same last name. The other people in the picture look great, big happy smiles, great colour to their skin and then there is me. My eyes either disappear in the squint of delirium or I look like I'm trying not to pass gas in this intimate setting, so clenched is the jaw region. I do not look good in photos, that is simply what it comes down too. In fact you could say that I have a great face for radio. This is the first time that I have ever even been in a group/family shot, and I have to admit that the lady taking the photos was very good at making us all feel semi-relaxed. I had popped a couple of tranqs before I went just so I would not have that deer in the headlights look. The only good thing about this photo is that the photographer has the good sense to put me to the outside edge of every shot... so much easier to cut me out later.
I guess you could say that this is one ugly who is not going to be on the wall... at least not at my house. I am sure that I have a black photo album with a sticky page in it all ready for my shot.
So be happy where you are... even if it is in the back of a paperback being keep flat for eternity, at least you'll damage no eye balls there.
P.S. to the rest of the photo subjects, you all look amazing!


At January 9, 2010 at 9:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

You don't give yourself enough credit Cat - I bet the pictures look great. You can't cut yourself out before you hang the pictures up - you're family won't be complete without Mom/GRANDMA - ha, ha, couldn't resist!


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