Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A preview to a column

New Years has never really meant much to me. When I was a kid living at home, New Years Eve was a night of titillating giggles and stolen kisses... oh not for me, you see my parents were married on New Year’s Eve at the Ritz Hotel in London... no, the other London, the one across that great gulf of water known as the Atlantic. What a clever idea to get married on New Year’s Eve, you’ll never forget your anniversary. It will feel like the whole world is celebrating with you, some places even setting off fireworks just for the occasion. As I grew older New Year’s Eve meant having Chinese food and watching the Times Square ball fall in New York City. One day I am going to gather enough courage to actually go to New York City and partake in those celebrations, well, probably not, maybe I’ll just say hi to that cowboy who sings in his underwear, almost the same thing, right? The point is that New Year’s can mean many different things. Oprah said “Cheers to a New Year and another chance to get it right”. A very good thought indeed. So I wish that we all might get the chance to get it right this year, whatever you think you didn’t get right last year. This is where the idea of resolutions came from. I only made one resolution this year, which is one more than I made last year. My resolution is to write every day, so determined am I to meet this self imposed discipline that I started my own blog. Yeah, I know, I am way behind the times, blogging was so last decade. I just don’t like to jump into things; I like to think things through. So wish me luck. If I fail in my quest, I won’t be too hard on myself, after all there is always next year. Till then here are a few sayings to keep you thinking.
Many people look forward to the New Year for a new start on old habits. – Anon
A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. – Anon
Good resolutions are simply cheques that men draw on a bank where they have no account. – Oscar Wilde
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. – Anon (in case you use that till pigs fly excuse not to do something)
You can’t turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again. – Bonnie Prudden
And very appropriate for this year:
The New Year begins in a snow storm of white vows. - George William Curtis


At January 5, 2010 at 11:51 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I like your resolution to write each day - mine is to get it right (something?, anything?). I wish you luck, however I know you will succeed.


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