Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Nose Knows

A funny thing happened on the way to the post office today. I noticed my friend D was out walking with her dog, Molly and Findley, the dog she day cares for. I stopped to chat with her, people were passing by, cars and trucks were going up and down the road. The whole time we are chatting the dogs are just standing there, not really paying any attention to anything in particular. Findley, then raises his nose in the air and starts to just go crazy, barking and jumping around, it was all D could do to hang on to him. I didn't notice anything different going on, so looked in the direction of his barking and jumping. The only thing different was a mini dump truck coming down the road. I thought, jeez, this dog doesn't like trucks, and yet any other one that had gone by, he really hadn't paid much attention to. The truck stopped at the stop sign, took a quick gander to the right and the left and then roared away, the whole time Findley was still going crazy. I said to D that I had better let her go before the dog ripped her arm off. It was then that I noticed a most peculiar smell, a smell that I know. D noticed it too and said "Oh, my god, what it that awful smell?" I just happened to catch the name on the side of the truck... Atwood... yep, the dead truck. I yelled out to her that the smell was coming from the truck, that it was a dead truck. D said" what dead... people?" I laughed and said "No, animals" That totally explained why the dog was going crazy and barking... Atwood takes the dead animals and turns them into pet food... Findley smelt his dinner coming from a few blocks away. While this might turn the stomach of some, the idea of dead animals and all, then I present to you the philosophy of Ruffel "you got livestock, you got dead stock". Everything serves a purpose, whether in life or death. My thoughts go out to the people who work in that particular field (dead truck driver) on these extremely hot days, the smell was nauseating to say the least, and we were at least 30 feet away from truck and only fleetingly. To be a driver of that truck in this heat... well, lets just say that the speed limit would never be high enough to get away from not only the smell but the sound of barking, howling dogs. Till next time, flipping burgers for you...
Cat x


At May 28, 2010 at 10:07 AM , Blogger darci-que said...

wasn't that something?i thought about that all the way home.yuck! absolute YUCK!!!!!
i was going to say ,i'm glad i don't eat meat but then i realized i do eat chicken and turkey.they make dog food too! last night i had salad and fruit for dinner

At May 28, 2010 at 4:51 PM , Blogger Cat Haynes said...

too funny! Living in the country on a farm the landscape is littered with the carcasses of many a dead animal... large and small... somehow my dogs always seem to find them, drag bits home and then roll in them till they stink to high heaven! That is how I know that smell so well... glad you read the blog, I was going to call you and tell you about it... Brad read it, he thought it was funny!
Cheers, Cat x


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