Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What I was going to say...

Well, as I said before I did have a great retrospective all set for Sunday. Of course I have forgotten most of it due to a great loss of body fluids I experienced over the time period of a mere 24 hours. I do remember that it had to do with my thoughts on death, and dogs. This past week there has been a rash of deaths in my community. Big deal you might say, but I live in a small community, about 1200 people (on a long weekend). The theory has been that deaths come in threes. There were the three deaths, and then there was another, which means that there are (in theory) two more to come. There were also two other deaths... deaths of dogs. One dog was very old and deaf and had been given a second chance at life. His original owner had died (very gruesome story, I will tell you another time, it involved a heating blanket, Halloween and a time period of discovery of close to ten days, pig in a blanket doesn't even cut it)any who, this person had two dogs and I found a home for them both, if I had not they would have been euthanized. The old one wandered out to the road and being deaf never heard the Mac truck coming (there goes the theory of heightened other senses, you'd have thought he would have "felt" the truck coming, or maybe it was a Smart car?) Coincidentally, the other dog was also killed by a vehicle, again wandered out to the road. This little darling wouldn't have stood a chance against a bicycle, never mind a car barreling down the road. Whoever hit her, probably didn't even realize they had hit something. I am not making excuses, this was a chihuahua. So the week was depressing to say the least, although there were some high points. Dinner with a good friend on Wednesday night was delightful, work was busy, home life was manageable and agreeable. So to the people who passed on, you are missed. To the dogs who are gone, I miss you.
Cat x


At March 24, 2010 at 12:04 AM , Blogger Samantha said...

That's so sad. Poor dogs. It was very nice of you to find a home for them and then for this to happen - terrible.
I hope you are feeling better.


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