Monday, March 22, 2010

What was to be a reflective Sunday

I did have a post all set in mind to put on yesterday, but, the health gods had a different plan for me. The plan was a day of retching and other bodily functions that resulted in me being very ill to the point of passing out in the hallway. I woke to find my husband calling my name and my son crying thinking that I was dead... rest assured I am still alive. I had to forgo work today on my condition, I don't think I could have driven myself to the clinic. Funny though now that I think about it, I wrote a blog this week on death and shit... see, what message you put out to the universe does come back to haunt you. Yesterday I wished I was dead I felt so... so... shitty. I will leave it at that, my strength has left me and I need to get back to bed. I will write tomorrow on my reflections of Monday.
Crappily yours,
Cat x


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