Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Brother...

So yesterday I was having tea with a friend and the conversation turned to motorcycles. I said, "My brother collects motorcycles, especially Harley's" I said to my friend, "I have to show you a picture of my brother, 'cause he is like the coolest guy I know." So here he is, he is the one saluting. (Sorry the pic keeps moving down as I type)
He lives out in B.C. (Bike Club) where he is married with 2 girls (not too two girls, just his wife and they have two girls, he ain't that cool!)
and having a grand old time with his buddies. Nothing seems to get to him... well... let's say that nothing gets to him that can't be fixed with a beer or a bottle of wine. I'm not saying that he is a heavy drinker or anything like that, he just doesn't let things get to him. I miss my brother, he lives too far away (as does my sister) to see him on Saturday nights ( some Saturday nights he hangs at the local legion buying tickets for the meat draw... wild life out there ya know!) and have lots of laughs. My brother has a great haw haw laugh, you hear it and you can't help but laugh too. He is a man of the world, he has been to lots of places and met lots of different sorts of people. Pete can have a conversation with anyone about anything. He was my mothers' pride and joy. She loved him more than us girls, and that is OK. I remember when my parents estate was being settled and we were to pick up our estate dealings, my brother decided that he was going to stay in a fancy hotel, can't remember the name of it, but it was huge and gorgeous and cost a small fortune ( more than one month of my current pay). It was in fact a suite. The lobby of the plaza was all glass and gold and men standing around holding open doors. In walks my brother and his wife and the two girls with their luggage held together with bungee cords (well, maybe just my brothers). He would strut in his motorcycle boots and leather vest and man he had arrived! That is my brother, just too cool for words and too cool to give a rats ass what anyone else thinks. Love my brother, think I will give him a call and see how it's hanging.
Chilling with a Miller and a pic of my bro, till next time
Cat x


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