Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday is good

Tuesday was a great day. Had a good time at work,spoke to all my favorite people, had lunch out (spinach salad with goat cheese and cranberries... yummy) and had a nice relaxing evening. As usual there is nothing, and I mean nothing on the TV. However, before nothing, there was something. Oprah. Her show today talked about where we come from. Lisa Kudrow of Friends fame has a new show on Friday nights which looks into the roots of famous people (I mean really, we are ALL famous in our own rights). I found it quite interesting to see that Brooke Shields great (x 5 or 6) grandfather was Henry the 4th. I think I am going to look into ancestry.com to see how the process works. Oprah had another fellow on, a Mr. Gates ,who has a show on roots on PBS. His process involves the search and sample of DNA. I would love to have that done, but not sure how to go about or how the process is factual. I think I will have to research those areas extensively. Like I have mentioned in previous blogs , there is a question as to whether or not I am related to the Swedish royal family... now what would totally make my life would be to find out that I am in fact not only related to the Swedish Royal family but also the English royal family, namely the Tudors... what a jolt to the system that would be! Oprah is having another great subject on tomorrow which I don't want to miss... how to walk in high heels. High heels make you look taller, slimmer and dare I say it ... sexy! Reminds me of my fav movie, "Kinky Boots" haven't seen it? Get yourself down to the DVD rental shop and watch it ASAP, you will love it! Well, I should go, I have some research to do and time is marching on towards my bedtime, us royals need all the rest we can get...
till next time,
branching on and out,
Cat x


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