Saturday, March 20, 2010

I must be getting old...

Last night I went to a "girls" party. At this "girls" party were for sale a number of items to entice your love/sex life. There is after all a big difference between the two. I was one of about 10 at the party, and I hate to say it, the second oldest. The rest of the group were all young women, in their 20's and 30's, except for my best friend C and the mother of the hostess, but they are still in their early 40's. I had to say that nothing titillated my fancy whatsoever, other than the fresh fruit platter. I hadn't had strawberries or cantaloupes for a few weeks . The red ripe flesh of the strawberries resting next to the apricot hued glowing firmness of the cantaloupe, was enough to make me lick my lips in anticipation. The juice of the freshly cubed fruit just resting on the surface of the newly executed offerings, just teasing of the sweet release that was to happen when popped into my eager mouth. Yes, when you get excited about the fruit and not the props for a night of carnal ecstasy, then you must be getting old. Then again, maybe I have experienced all that I need to in that department (I'm back to the sex stuff now, not the fruit) so that I realize that most of the time when props are involved it is a make work project for the woman. She will have to apply the creams, get the batteries, make the suggestion and then when all is said (or not) and done, she will be doing the laundry... looking for the stain away and wonder how that piece of plastic wrapper ended up on the ceiling, and even more so how the hell is she going to get it down? Yes, I think that I am past all that. Regrets? Not really. I leave it for the younger crowd. Seeing their eager anticipation and knowing smiles (not to mention the texting going on in the room between one another, yep, texting, after all the mother and mother in law were sitting right there) their will be many generations yet to carry on the art of recreational recreation. Me I just finished looking at the Foodland flyer and see that bananas are on sale for .49 cents a pound... gotta go, they only have a limited supply you know!
Fruitfully yours,
Cat x


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